If you work in the B2B (Business to Business) space, I have some thoughts for you here.

We’re cranking out the work this week (because, as a reminder, October 17th is the deadline to ensure your 2015 extended tax return is filed. It’s also the deadline for contributions to self-employed retirement accounts and for a Roth recharacterization) … but nonetheless, I wanted to get this note to you.

We strive to be much more than a simple “keeper of your books”, or tax preparer for you and your business. So let me know if there is anything I, or my team, can do to help you reach your goals.

As always, we’re extremely grateful for your referrals, and appreciate the steady stream we’ve been recently receiving. Thank you!

(Of course, we’re also happy to handle any tax planning details for 2016 you need tidied up.)

How Can Changing
Your B2B Approach Grow Your San Antonio Business?
“I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators.” -Gerald R. Ford

Marketers and sales reps are beginning to report that changes are happening in how businesses are reaching out to buyers, and it’s great news for the San Antonio small business. Why?

Because these developments make it much easier to compete with big brands and create personal connections — which almost ALWAYS transcend simple cost/benefit dynamics for buyers and clients.

What am I referring to? The steady de-formalization of the San Antonio business landscape.

Through the power of email, networking, and social media, buyers are accessible more than ever before. B2B buyers are consumers: they use search, and they depend on their connections to get trusted recommendations on products and services.

This has always been the case of course, but as social media has climbed in influence (with email marketing climbing along with it — in fact, it’s gaining in power), it’s just never been easier to reach out to decision-makers.

In fact, many smart marketing experts are now outright declaring that throughout 2017, they expect previous B2B dynamics to no longer be as much of a barrier to sales, and for it to become actually easier for people to transact with each other.

So, how do you do it?

* Make a decision to build relationships with your clients and prospects.
It really *is* a conscious decision to be made, and doesn’t just “happen”. Personally, I invest time and money writing these weekly notes to add additional value AND so that you and I can have more conversations about the things you care most about — growing your business, etc.

And it’s a similar conversation you should be having with your clients and prospects. What do they care most about, and how can you enter that conversation?

Yes, it will take time. You may be able to have others help you with it…but it is a decision to make–and implement.

* It’s time to consider dropping the formality.
As I mentioned previously, the San Antonio business landscape is becoming more personal, and it’s important that your clients and prospects get a real sense of the human heart beating behind what you do. Many business owners resist this — after all, how do you do it without sacrificing professionalism?

Well, more and more large corporations are getting into the act (see: Google), and they’re smart to do so. Yes, it’s always important to communicate your authority and expertise, but you can still do that while keeping a conversational flow.

So I’m simply grateful for our chance to serve you and your business — and we are dedicated to every part of its success.

Feel very free forward this article to a San Antonio business associate or client you know who could benefit from our assistance — or simply send them our way? While these particular articles usually relate to business strategy, as you know, we specialize in tax preparation and planning for San Antonio families and business owners. And we always make room for referrals from trusted sources like you.


Sherry Tolbert
(210) 905-4498
Tolbert CPA LLC