Monthly Archives: January 2017


Common Tax Return Errors To Avoid For San Antonio Self-Preparers

The Super Bowl teams are set, the new President is inaugurated ... why does it feel like things are still going so fast? Perhaps, for me and my team, it's because we finally are able to submit tax returns to the IRS (they began receiving them on Monday the 23rd). But it's also just the [...]

2022-03-21T14:50:54-06:00January 27th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Common Tax Return Errors To Avoid For San Antonio Self-Preparers

Sherry Tolbert’s Rule From The Successful

I have to first get this off my chest, before we get to the orders of business for today. A San Antonio friend who was watching football the other day asked me about a commercial he saw from a "popular" tax chain (who shall remain nameless) that is heavily advertising "free" tax preparation. Leaving aside [...]

2021-12-29T08:41:53-06:00January 20th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Sherry Tolbert’s Rule From The Successful

Sherry Tolbert’s Tax Preparation Checklist

I shared my "resolutions" last week, and it was really nice to see the response, and to know that many of our clients are equally excited for the opportunity to put new legs to a new year ... and to make 2017 (much) better than 2016. I remember seeing a study in the Journal of [...]

2021-12-29T08:42:40-06:00January 13th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Sherry Tolbert’s Tax Preparation Checklist

Sherry Tolbert’s New Year’s Resolutions

Well, here we are in 2017. Rather eerie, in my opinion. As the holidays wind down, it means no more extended family (which might be a relief?), no more parties, no more presents. Just ... daily life in San Antonio. And, in my opinion, this coming week is actually crucial to how the rest of [...]

2022-04-18T06:29:36-06:00January 6th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Sherry Tolbert’s New Year’s Resolutions
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