Monthly Archives: February 2017


The Top 12 2017 IRS Scams by Sherry Tolbert

Every year around this time of year, the Treasury Department releases their list of the various shenanigans that criminals and the like try to pull around taxes. Obviously, this activity peaks around now, and so it's a very good idea to be on your guard. Last week, the IRS completed their 2017 IRS Scams list, [...]

2021-12-29T08:37:43-06:00February 24th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on The Top 12 2017 IRS Scams by Sherry Tolbert

Start The Estate Planning Process During Tax Season by Sherry Tolbert

We are rocking and rolling through tax season these days at Ye Olde Tolbert Tax Shoppe. But I woke up Monday to the news that the federal government took in a record $1.08 trillion in taxes during the first quarter of their fiscal 2017 (which ran from Oct '16 - Jan '17). That's a lot [...]

2022-03-21T14:49:52-06:00February 17th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Start The Estate Planning Process During Tax Season by Sherry Tolbert

A San Antonio Tax Professional’s Valentine’s Day Plan

Whatever you might think about the New England Patriots, it's nearly impossible not to respect their prowess on the football field. And there are plenty of storylines we can all take away from that epic game: * Apparently it's a good year to be a man with a foreign-model wife, with a much-discussed history with [...]

2021-12-29T08:39:24-06:00February 10th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on A San Antonio Tax Professional’s Valentine’s Day Plan

What To Look For In a San Antonio Tax Professional

The world is awash in shouting these days. Can you feel it? It's tax season, and so I'm not spending much time in Facebook, but I know for a fact that there is a lot of anger, frustration and noise about politics. So much so that it seems everywhere you turn these days somebody is [...]

2021-12-29T08:40:01-06:00February 3rd, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on What To Look For In a San Antonio Tax Professional
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