It’s a hard world out there, for sure.

(You know it’s tough when they can’t even get the Best Picture award right at the Oscars!)

And for our young millennials, it sure seems like things are harder than they were when we were entering the workplace life.

If you haven’t already watched this, I highly encourage you to check out this video clip of best-selling author and thought leader, Simon Sinek, about the particular challenges faced by a generation of young people who have been raised in the world of Facebook, streaming video and instant communication:

Sometimes our technology, which promised to make our lives better, carries a bunch of unintended consequences that we don’t see right away.

And sometimes, our love for our children can prevent them from growing in the way they need to, or from taking on the responsibilities that make for a fuller, more rewarding life.

I’ve seen this dynamic with a few clients, and so I thought I’d offer some tips on helping our younger ones move forward with more effectiveness.

And out of our basements!

[And yes, we’re cranking through tax season and our calendar is very full. But that does NOT mean we don’t have time set aside for you.

Email me by clicking the email button in the upper-right corner of this page or call us (210-971-7125), and let’s get you on the calendar ASAP so that we can ensure you aren’t “lending” unnecessary money to Uncle Sam.]

Four Tips On Gently Encouraging Your College Graduate Living At Home To Independence by Sherry Tolbert
“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.” -Veronica Roth

If you’ve got a recent college graduate living at home, searching for his or her first “real” job, you know how difficult the job hunt can be these days. In the interest of getting your kids off the sofa and out of the house, here’s some of my advice…

1. Clean up the online profiles. Potential employers will check your new grad’s profile on Facebook and other social media sites. Advise your job-seekers to remove images and language that might give recruiters pause. Coach them on how to use sites like LinkedIn to create a more professional online persona.

2. Network. Your son or daughter might be tired of hearing, “It’s not what you know, it’s whom you know,” but it’s still true. If you have useful contacts, introduce your children. Otherwise, nudge them toward making an effort to connect with people in their chosen field, and advise them on how to act.

3. Work for free. This may seem counterintuitive when you want your children to start making money, but internships and volunteer work can teach them useful skills while introducing them to the world of work, and can bring them into contact with a wider range of networking contacts who may be able to help them in their fledgling careers. I can’t over emphasize how powerful this strategy can be, especially if your child wants to break into a difficult industry.

4.Update the wardrobe. Remind your kids that jeans and T-shirts won’t make the grade in most workplaces, especially when they’re interviewing there. Help them pick out some sophisticated, professional-looking outfits so they can go out into the world with style.

To your family’s lasting financial and emotional peace — including your grown children …


Sherry Tolbert

Tolbert CPA LLC