Monthly Archives: July 2017


Growing Customers For Life For Your San Antonio Business

We're starting in on the second half of the summer, and I have a question for you: How are you feeling about 2017 thus far for your San Antonio business? Now that we're over halfway through the year, it's a nice time to take stock. So, really, I'd be interested: How are things going for you so far? Send [...]

2022-02-19T18:54:49-06:00July 26th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Growing Customers For Life For Your San Antonio Business

Should You Buy A Building For Your San Antonio Business?

Every week, we advise our clients about how to handle their San Antonio businesses, and particularly their finances. It's a big part of what we do around here, and many don't even realize how much we're willing and able to help. (And that's fine, because we are plenty busy -- but always willing to talk.) [...]

2022-02-19T18:54:25-06:00July 19th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Should You Buy A Building For Your San Antonio Business?

Goal Setting For Your San Antonio Business

Goal setting. Some people *love* reading and writing about it; but to others, it can provoke a sure-fire rolling of the eyes. Indeed, this whole ritual of "goal-making" can feel very cliche, but look -- we all need little "nudges" to help us actually make changes in our lives. I see it as my role [...]

2021-11-10T17:15:35-06:00July 12th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on Goal Setting For Your San Antonio Business

The BEST Marketing Strategy for Your San Antonio Business

When I chat with my San Antonio business-owner clients and friends, I find that many of them are adopting a "herd mentality" when it comes to marketing their business. I'd like to see that change for you, and for all my business-owner friends. Granted, I know my limits -- I'm an accountant, not a marketing [...]

2022-02-19T18:54:59-06:00July 5th, 2017|Blog|Comments Off on The BEST Marketing Strategy for Your San Antonio Business
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