

Tolbert CPA LLC: Pt 2 Assumptions You Had About Accountants…

Before diving in, ensure you check out Part One of Assumptions You Had About Accountants here! Part two of Assumptions You Had About Accountants [they] are: "They are there under pressure and stress all the time." And "their job is stressful." Okay you hit that whole variety of opinions there. Okay, yeah [...]

2022-03-21T14:54:14-06:00June 10th, 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Tolbert CPA LLC: Pt 2 Assumptions You Had About Accountants…

Tolbert CPA LLC: Are these assumptions true about accountants?

Some assumptions that y'all had about accountants are that they hate their jobs, are perfectionist, and their jobs are boring. it's good that they worked really hard and negative stereotype would be that they could be boring well boring I am NOT shocked by that at all because that's exactly what I [...]

2022-02-19T19:10:49-06:00June 5th, 2019|Blog, Business News, featured|Comments Off on Tolbert CPA LLC: Are these assumptions true about accountants?
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